Fire Sign

Leo is ruled by the Sun and belongs to the fire element. This element symbolizes enthusiasm, action and spirit. The Fire element in Leo is also connected to the fifth house of pleasures and relaxation and with a fixed quality. Leo tends to be the one with a stubborn spirit for how they wanted things done.

Leo has a warm and loving personality and a naturally warm personality even to people they don’t know very well. However, once you've ignited their interest and know they can trust you, Leo is all in and they will be a loving force of nature in your life. The fire in their nature also makes Leo fiercely loyal; there's no better sun sign to have in your corner than loyal Leo.

Leo people should focus a mantra on balancing, thoughtfulness and calmness that will help them to be even more loved and appreciated in their leadership and at home.

Crystals For Leo

  • RUBY

    Ruby is a gemstone that has the meaning and properties of increasing self-confidence, making your mind stronger, and bringing positive energy to relationships. Its energy easily resonates with Leo personality and is a great assistance stone to remind their core value. It was seen as a power stone in ancient civilisations. Ruby is also great to increase enthusiasm and positive expression that Leo people need especially in challenging times to focus energy and to ease stress.


    Zircon is a remarkably dense material, 50% denser than diamond and is possibly the oldest known mineral on earth. Zircon is known to be a great grounding stone that inspires, motivates and gives guidance when needed, thus a great stone to help to achieve one's goal. It has also been reported it can help its wearer sleep, increase confidence, and inspire compassion and self-love.


    Citrine is a great stone to help clear energy block or clear any clutter in their minds. Citrine helps to organise and calm down the minds of any tensions and negative emotions. This is very useful for Leo to help channel their energy to do things at a steady pace rather than in a rush and to balance energy to the best effect, which is also good for decision-making, learning, creativity, awareness and problem-solving for Leo.


    Labradorite is known as a gemstone of transformation, and it is great for healing and promoting positive emotions.

    Labradorite is good for mental sharpness, intellect, inspiration, intuition and originality. It helps you to see many possibilities at the same time and to allow the "magic" to happen by riding on the tide. It stabilises the aura and enhances the flow of energy. It also helps to combat stress, anxiety and insecurity.

LEO (24 Jul - 23 Aug)

The sing of Leo, reflects the character plainly shown in the symbol of the sign, Leo, the Lion. They are kingly people, heroic and generous. They command respect combined with love, majestic, regal and noble.

They have a natural command of any situation and can give orders, speak frankly, and criticise freely, sometimes perhaps a bit too blunt to listen to. But there is no ill will in the Leo nature and nothing small or petty either. In general they opt for blatant honesty for your benefit and they do so with a great spirit to serve.

The Leo intellectual equipment is sound and have a natural comprehension of human problems, are generous and understanding with a lot of “heart”. They love people and life and their leadership usually sprung from the force of their wish to communicate this to the world. They seek maturity from a young age with zest and enthusiasm.

The Leo people are interested in things that are original and somewhat sensational. They like to live larger than life and have an attitude of “Go big or go home”, therefore it could be a bit overbearing at times even becoming a bully in the negative Leo type. Leo has a fiery, passionate love for everything and everyone they love, but they must also learn to be sensitive at times to maintain a balanced harmony in their environment.

Leo is also the sign of pleasures, sports and entertainment, everything connected with Leo is large, fulsome and generous. They can often go on excessively, and for their health, it is wise to be mindful with self-control. Planting your feet on the ground and learning to control any rash decisions or actions.

Leo people would do well to have a healthy habit of being mindful, sensitive, balanced and to have things/people in life that can help them find grounding.